Feb 21, 2022
On Water and Waiting
Dunoon was built as a resort town, a place where wealthy Glasgow merchants could get away for summers by the seaside. It’s grande old...

Dec 9, 2021
The Back of My Car
A little over a year ago, I decided that I had had enough of sitting in one place, and I was going to travel. But given the effects of...

Feb 4, 2021
Of Slates and Survival
Ellenabeich The beach in Ellenabeich is made out of slate. The entire Isle of Seil is a big chunk of slate set out in the Atlantic, with...

Jan 17, 2021
Of Mosses and Meadows
I’ve been thinking a lot about the way that we inhabit spaces. This pandemic has changed everything. I haven’t left Scotland in almost a...

Nov 23, 2020
Of Near and Of Far
Routine is generally considered to be a pretty good thing for us. During the pandemic, when 90% of my life is unstructured time alone in...

Oct 20, 2020
Revisiting Dalmally
“Dalmally is much prized for the peace and tranquility of its setting. Norman Bruce, in his book Twilight in Scotland spoke for many a...

Aug 9, 2020
The 39 Melachot
When the Jewish people were wandering in the desert, during those 40 formative years following the Exodus from Egypt, they became a...

Jun 30, 2020
The Work of Our Hands
I decided to come up to the farm the day after Shavuot, one of the Jewish harvest festivals. I went into the backyard and wanted to plant...