Oct 2, 2020
Quick Trips in Edinburgh
Sometimes I have work to do in Edinburgh, which is only a 50-minute train ride away from Glasgow. After working in the morning, I often...

Sep 30, 2020
On Apples and Atonement
Yom Kippur this year didn't feel particularly different than any other Yom Kippur I've experienced. Which is strange, because almost...

Sep 6, 2020
Of Castles and Coastlines
There are a good many things I love about Scotland. One is the diversity. Most people think of whisky and tartans and Edinburgh Castle,...

Aug 9, 2020
The 39 Melachot
When the Jewish people were wandering in the desert, during those 40 formative years following the Exodus from Egypt, they became a...

Jul 30, 2020
The Work of Our Feet
During lockdown I went 79 days without getting into a vehicle. I walked to the grocery store, I walked through the park, and I really got...

Jun 30, 2020
The Work of Our Hands
I decided to come up to the farm the day after Shavuot, one of the Jewish harvest festivals. I went into the backyard and wanted to plant...

Jun 11, 2020
On Farming and Finding
You never know what you don’t know. Before this week I didn’t know that chickpeas grow in pods, just like snap peas. I didn’t know that...

May 10, 2020
Of Raglans and Resilience
"As I inch my way around this glove's wrist, I am reminded that knitting is fundamentally about binding together. Not only binding wool...

Apr 14, 2020
A Time For Now
Time moves differently in quarantine. I sleep with my window open, letting in the light from the street. I wake up looking outside,...

Mar 22, 2020
Alone Together
Last Shabbat I saw all my friends. I went from house to house, schmoozing and celebrating the wonderful community I've become a part of...