Jun 20
Practical Skills
A big part of my Forest School training has been learning new outdoor skills and refining old ones. Assessment not only includes being...
Jun 19
The Shabbaton B'Teva
My Teva events had been going great, and I was discovering so many people with an interest in bringing together nature and Jewish...
Jun 19
What Is Teva?
In addition to my six practice sessions that I ran for my Forest School practitioner training (which were confusingly also referred to as...
Jun 16
Natural Cycles
I love the idea that nature comes in cycles. I didn't use to notice these, but during Covid I found one spot in the woods where I would...
Jun 14
The Tool Talk
When making things, we need to make sure we're doing it safely and with the right tools. Before I started this course, I rarely used...
Jun 14
Making in the Woods
I love making things, and I love spending time outside. Learning to make things, inspired by the nature around us, and often using found...
Jun 6
All of the Plants
I have a small patch of woodland near my house which I've been going to regularly, ever since lockdown began. It's a beautiful space, and...
May 22
Rain, Sun, Etc.
There were geese this morning on Loch Ettrick. Two Canadian Geese, with a few babies trailing behind them. I noticed them because they...
May 6
Tree Appreciation Month
Patrick and I were sitting drinking coffee in Queen's Park on a Friday morning back in January. We had brought our watercolours along,...
Feb 12
Trying Out Willow Coppicing
This week I had the incredible opportunity to learn a bit about willow coppicing. I'd previously taken a four-week willow weaving course,...